Saturday, May 23, 2020

Using the Spanish Verb Pedir

The verb pedir is used to refer to the making of requests and is typically translated as to ask for or to request. It should not be confused with preguntar, which usually means to ask a question. Translating Pedir Keep in mind that if using pedir to mean to ask for, you shouldnt translate the for separately, as its meaning is already included in the verb. If youre a beginner at learning Spanish, it may help you to think of pedir as meaning to request, because the sentence structure you use with that English translation may more closely mimic the Spanish sentence structure. For example: Mis hijas me pidieron que les escribiera un libro. Both  My daughters asked me to write a book for them, and  My daughters requested that I write them a book are good translations. The two English sentences have the same meaning, but the second one is worded more similarly to the Spanish. Here are some examples of pedir in action: El gobierno pidià ³ la ayuda para los damnificados por el huracà ¡n. (The government asked for help for the hurricane victims.) ¿Es malo si mi enamorada me pide dinero para resolver sus problemas? (Is it bad if my sweetheart is asking me for money in order to solve her problems?)No pidas eso. (Dont ask for that.)No pido el dinero para mà ­. (Im not asking for the money for myself.)Pidieron un coche y salieron de prisa. (They asked for a car and left in a hurry.) ¿Quà © pides para tu cumpleaà ±os? (What are you asking for for your birthday?) Note that pedir que is followed by a verb in the subjunctive mood: Te pido que me escuches. (Im asking you to listen to me.)Pediremos que se reconozca el resultado de la eleccià ³n. (We will ask that the outcome of the election be recognized.)Nunca he pedido que me manden estos libros. (I have never asked them to send me these books.) Although to request or to ask for nearly always works as a translation, in some contexts it is sometimes better translated with a different verb. For example, pedir  can sometimes have a stronger meaning than ask: Un tercio de los votantes pidieron un cambio radical. (A third of the voters called for a radical change.)Mi jefe con rabia pudo haber borrado los archivos. (My boss angrily demanded to have the files be erased.) Pedir can also be used to refer to the ordering of merchandise or services: Me pongo muy triste cuando quiero pedir pizza y no tengo dinero. (I get very sad when I want to order pizza and I dont have any money.)Lo pidieron tarde por internet y no llegà ³ a tiempo. (They ordered it late online and it didnt arrive on time.) Phrases Using Pedir Here are some common phrases using pedir: pedir un deseo: to make a wish.  ¿Quà © pasa con las monedas que tiramos en las fuentes cuando pedimos un deseo? (What happens with the coins we throw in fountains when we make a wish?pedir la mano de:  to ask for someones hand in marriage. Le pedà ­ la mano de mi esposa en la estacià ³n del tren. (I asked for my wifes hand in marriage at the train station.)pedir justicia:  to seek justice, to demand justice. Los manifestantes piden justicia para el hombre que murià ³. (The demonstrators are demanding justice for the man who died.)pedir la Luna:  to ask for the moon, to ask for something impossible. Nuestros clientes no piden la Luna. Simplemente quieren disfrutar de un servicio rà ¡pido. (Our customers arent asking for the moon. They simply want to enjoy quick service.)pedir perdà ³n:  To ask for forgiveness, to apologize. Me pide perdà ³n por haberme hecho tanto daà ±o. (She apologized for having caused me so much harm.)pedir permiso:  to ask for permission. Nun ca le hemos pedido permiso a nadie. (We have never asked for permission from anybody.) Conjugation of Pedir Keep in mind that pedir is conjugated irregularly, following the pattern of vestir. When the -e- of the stem is stressed, it becomes an -i-. For example, here is the conjugation of the present-tense indicative mood: yo pido (I request), tà º pides (you request), usted/à ©l/ella pide (you/he/she request), nosotros/as pedimos (we request), vosotros/as pedà ­s (you request), ustedes/ellos/ellas piden (you/they request).

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

An Introduction to Iambic Pentameter

When we speak of the meter of a poem, we are referring to its overall rhythm, or, more specifically, the syllables and words used to create that rhythm. One of the most interesting in literature is iambic pentameter, which  Shakespeare nearly always used when writing in verse. Most of his plays were also written in iambic pentameter, except for lower-class characters, who speak in prose. Iamb What Iamb In order to understand iambic pentameter, we must first understand what an iamb is. Simply, put an iamb (or iambus) is a unit of stressed and unstressed syllables that are used in a line of poetry. Sometimes called an iambic foot, this unit can be a single word of two syllables or two words of one syllable each. For instance, the word airplane is one unit, with air as the stressed syllable and plane as the unstressed. Likewise, the phrase the dog is one unit, with the as the unstressed syllable and dog as the stressed.   Putting the Feet Together Iambic pentameter refers to the number of total syllables in a line of poetry—in this case, 10, composed of five pairs of alternating unstressed and stressed syllables. So the rhythm ends up sounding like this: ba-BUM / ba-BUM / ba-BUM / ba-BUM / ba-BUM Most of Shakespeare’s famous lines fit into this rhythm. For example: If mu- / -sic be / the food / of love, / play on(Twelfth Night) But, soft! / What light / through yon- / -der win- / -dow breaks?(Romeo and Juliet) Rhythmic Variations In his plays, Shakespeare didn’t always stick to ten syllables. He often played around with iambic meter  to give color and feeling to his character’s speeches. This is the key to understanding Shakespeares language. For instance, he sometimes added an extra unstressed beat at the end of a line to emphasize a characters mood. This variation is called a feminine ending, and  this famous question is the perfect example: To be, / or not / to be: / that is / the ques- / -tion(Hamlet) Inversion Shakespeare also reverses the order of the stresses in some iambi to help emphasize certain words or ideas. If you look closely at the fourth iambus in the quote from Hamlet above, you can see how he has placed an emphasis on the word â€Å"that† by inverting the stresses. Occasionally, Shakespeare will completely break the rules and place two stressed syllables in the same iambus, as the following quotation demonstrates: Now is / the win- / -ter of / our dis- / content(Richard III) In this example, the fourth iambus emphasizes that it is â€Å"our discontent,† and the first iambus emphasizes that we are feeling this â€Å"now.† Why Is Iambic Pentameter Important? Shakespeare will always feature prominently in any discussion of iambic pentameter because he used the form with great dexterity, especially in his sonnets, but he did not invent it. Rather, it is a standard literary convention that has been used by many writers before and after Shakespeare. Historians are not sure how the speeches were read aloud—whether delivered naturally or with an emphasis on the stressed words. This is unimportant. What really matters is that the study of iambic pentameter gives us a glimpse into the inner workings of Shakespeare’s writing process, and marks him as a master of rhythm to evoke specific emotions, from dramatic to humorous.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Bio Lab Free Essays

The reactions and Results of Using Enzyme Turnip Root Peroxidase Lab results from: Andrew Compton, Mickey. Results published 9/29/2012. TA: In this series of laboratory experiments, my lab partner and I were to conduct an experiment about the oxidation rate of the enzyme peroxidase in the presence of its substrate guiacol. We will write a custom essay sample on Bio Lab or any similar topic only for you Order Now Also we used other substrates, such as hydroxylamine an enzyme inhibitor, to observe the weather the reaction rate was slowed down, sped up, or stopped reactions all together. These results were recorded by taking the materials in a test tube, then inserting them into a spectrophotometer to record the oxidation (intensity of color change from clear to reddish-brown) over a course of two minutes to observe color change. After all of the experiments that we ran we could conclude the enzyme oxidation rate (mmoles/min) depending on the amount of each product that was used in a single cubit test tube. The following materials and Concepts were used to achieve oxidized/non-oxidized guaiacol: Boiled peroxidase (show the results of denatured enzymes/proteins when guaiacol is added) * Guaiacol (toxic substrate, common byproduct of cellular respiration) * Hydroxylamine (an extremely toxic carcinogen that is an enzyme inhibitor to peroxidase) * Peroxidase (enzyme from Turnip Root) * PH buffer of PH? * Spectrophotometer (record results of oxidation rate over two minutes. The main objective of this lab was to observe the activity of enzyme peroxidase in real time under different experimental conditions. To see how peroxidase reacts with its substrate guaiacol under different conditions. We measure the amount of substances per test tube and then combine all of them together. Each test tube contains a measured amount of any listed substances including H? O. Each measured amount of peroxidase along with its substrate guaiacol, and other listed substances will show how actively the enzyme oxidizes the substrate. To measure the amount of oxidized substrate (amount of Hydrogen and electrons removed from guaiacol). As the measured substances are quickly and properly added to the test tubes, the test tube is then quickly inserted into the spectrophotometer. Then the results of oxidized guaiacol was measured and recorded over a course of two minutes. This allows us to digitally use precise measurements on how intense the color oxidation has become. Peroxidase, a common enzyme within many forms of life, helps catalyze the detoxification reaction of H? O?. H? O? is a common toxic byproduct of cellular respiration. One such substrate of H? O? is guiacol, a compound that my partner and I used during this experiment. As a result of the guiacol being oxidized, a reddish-brown color is formed indicating oxidized guaiacol has been formed. However, if a substrate inhibitor such as hydroxylamine inhibits the guaiacol by competing for the activation site most likely preventing color change. Therefore, depending on the amount of peroxidase, hydroxylamine, and guaiacol in a cuvette, it will determine activity of guaiacol oxidation. Each experiment required a specific amount of substances within a cuvette. After each test tube is filled with all of the samples, the cuvette is immediately covered with perafilm and inserted in the spectrophotometer to be recorded for guaiacol oxidation rate over two minutes (A/min). Once the (A/min) was recorded, those results were then calculated to find the graph equation of reactions per minute. By finding the equation we took the change in 20 seconds multiplied by 3(seconds) in order to give us our results on graphs. Experiment one was to measure the oxidation depending on the concentration of peroxidase in five separate cuvettes. Also, it was to see what the effects of a concentrated amount of denatured enzymes (boiled enzyme) has on its substrate in a separate cuvette. The enzyme solutions were prepared as described on page 5 of the Lab Handout. Experiment two was to measure the effect of pH on peroxidase activity. Using buffers pH3, 5, 7, and 9 the same amount of water, enzymes, and substrate was added to each solution. The amount of each substance is given on page 6 of the lab handout. Experiment three was to measure the effect of substrate concentration instead of peroxidase concentration from experiment one. Four test tubes are to each have different concentrations of guaiacol to see how much oxidation occurs. The amount of each substrate is given in page 7 of the lab manual. The fourth experiment required the results of oxidation levels with the presence of hydroxylamine. It was to dd specific amounts of inhibitor hydroxylamine to two cuvettes in given amounts. Ex1 test tube| 1| 2| 3| 4| 5| A/min| 0. 816| 0. 039| 1. 65| 0. 594| 0. 606| ?L Enzyme| 150| 0| 350| 50| 25| Experiment one shows that, as the enzyme concentration is increased, in A/Min. Meaning the more the enzyme the more oxidation that tends to occur. Ex 2 test tube| 6| 1| 7| 8| pH| 3| 5| 7| 9| A/min| 0. 093| 0. 816| 0. 672| 0. 0 21| Experiment two shows what rate of activity is shown with different levels of pH. The graph concludes that the neutral pH of 7 shows the optimal rate of A/min oxidation. Ex 3 Test tube| 1| 9| 10| 11| 12| A/min| 0. 816| 0. 729| 0. 516| 0. 315| 1. 551| substrate ? L| 500| 300| 200| 100| 1000| In experiment three, guaiacol concentration is changed to show the different amounts of oxidation reactions or A/min. The graph concludes that cuvette twelve that contains the highest concentration of substrate. Will create the highest amount of oxidation reactions. Ex4 Test tube| 13| 14| 1*| A/min| 1. 473| 1. 758| 0. 816| Inhibitor| 500| 100| 0| Experiment number four was supposed to show the negative effect of an inhibitor on an enzyme. The experiment shows invalid results. However, if the results were accurate, the 500? L concentration of hydroxylamine should have produced the least amount of a/min. The main objective within the experiments is to determine the activity rate of oxidation. With the instructions given, we are to predict how each reaction will occur. Weather there be a small amount of reactions, major amounts of reactions or none at all. In experiment one our results showed that the higher concentration of an enzyme the higher the activity of reactions occurred with the substrate. The experiment was to show if the concentration of enzyme would have a major effect in reaction activity if the amount of substrate stayed the same. From the results, you can clearly see that the enzyme activity was at its most optimal when at 200uL. However, the denatured enzymes had hardly any activity because they aren’t natured proteins. Also, cuvette 3 showed that even with an extremely high concentration of enzyme it still does not have as high of activity rate because of the chances it will combine with its substrate is low because of the amount of H2O. Experiment two was to see what level of pH buffer was the most optimal for enzyme activity with its substrate. The results of the experiment showed that the enzyme was most optimal at pH 7. Since pH 7 is a neutral pH, it shows that the other pH’s that are basic or acidic tend to hinder the activity of the enzyme activity. Weather donating H+ or adding H+. Experiment three was the opposite of experiment one. It was to see what the effects of substrate concentration had on peroxidase activity. From the spectrophotometer results, the most optimal activity rate occurred with 1000uL of substrate. With cuvette twelve being the highest amount of activity, this shows that the more substrate you have creates an even faster rate of activity with the same amount of enzyme in any cuvette. The more substrate the more of a chance there is to react with the enzyme. Experiment four was the only one containing peroxidase’s competitive inhibitor hydroxylamine. Hydroxylamine is an inhibitor therefore it is supposed to either stop or slow the activity rate of enzymes. Cuvette 13 had a higher concentration of hydroxylamine. Therefore, the higher concentration of hydroxylamine the less enzyme oxidation activity is occurring, and more competitive inhibitors are attaching to peroxidase. Overall, these experiments show what amounts of concentrations have on enzyme oxidation activity upon its substrate, what temperature/pH is ctivity most optimal in, and what shows how much an inhibitor can affect an enzymes reactivity rate. With increasing enzyme concentration, there was more of a chance for it to come into contact with its substrate therefore increasing activity. However, enzyme activity will slowly diminish once the substrate has been oxidized. On the other hand, if you h ave an extreme amount of substrate. The experiment shows that the reaction rate is much higher due to the amount of oxidation occurring. These experiments had to be done a few times to receive valid results. The spectrophotometer had varying A/min and the test called for constant changes in variation of substance measurements to receive valid results. Also, the whole laboratory experiment for experiment number four was invalid. The hydroxylamine was tainted and therefore unable to inhibit peroxidase. Therefore, giving invalid results. In this lab, we investigated how much substrate and enzyme concentration affected the rate of oxidation reaction. We investigated what the optimal pH was for basic enzyme activity/guaiacol oxidation, and what happens when an inhibitor is added to an even solution of enzyme and substrate. We can conclude that substrate and enzyme concentrations are most optimal when one is much higher than the other. However, higher substrate concentration showed that the activity is higher due to the likelihood of reactions with its enzyme. Also, even amounts of enzymes and substrate shows highest activity rates when at a neutral pH instead of in a more basic or acidic solution. The enzyme inhibitors clearly show the slowing of activity rate when more of it is applied to a solution of enzymes and substrate. The relationships of all of these procedures was to show us under what conditions does the oxidation of guaiacol from enzymes become most optimal, and what has the highest reactivity rates. References Campbell, N and Reese, J. B (2006) Biology, p. 142-149, Pearson/Benjamin Cummings, San Francisco CA Marrs, K (2007) K101 Laboratory Manual, Ex. 5 â€Å"Characterization of Turnip Root Peroxidase† KhanAcademy (2012) â€Å"Oxidation and reduction cellular respiration† http://www. khanacademy. org/science/biology/cellular-respiration/v/oxidation-and-reduction-in-cellular-respiration. How to cite Bio Lab, Papers

Saturday, May 2, 2020

The help desk free essay sample

Rob calls the help desk to report that he cannot access any websites on the Internet. While he is still on the phone, you have him try to access a file on his departmental server. In both cases, his attempts fail. Troubleshoot Rob’s computer and determine why he is unable to access the network. The troubleshooting process will be completed when you are able to access the network using Rob’s computer.Completion time20 minutes Exercise 18.2Troubleshooting Disk AccessOverview Alice sends an email to the help desk stating that when she tried to copy some files to her X: drive, which is a volume on her local hard disk, she was unable to do so. Because Alice has already left for her vacation, she cannot provide any more details about the problem, but she writes that she would appreciate the problem being fixed by the time she returns. The troubleshooting process will be completed when Alice can write files to her X: drive. We will write a custom essay sample on The help desk or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Completion time20 minutes Exercise 18.3Troubleshooting Shared FoldersOverview Gail is the head bookkeeper for your company, and she stores the firm’s financial spreadsheet files on her Windows 7 computer. The other bookkeepers in the department, who all have user accounts that are members of the local Users group, work with the spreadsheets on Gail’s computer by accessing two shared folders called Payable and Receivable. Gail has just called the help desk and reported that since having a new network adapter installed, the other bookkeepers have been unable to access the shares. However, Gail is able to access web sites on the Internet. The troubleshooting process will be completed when other computers on the network are able to read files from and write them to the Payable and Receivable shares on Gail’s computer using the local Student user account an the password Pa$$w0rd.Completion time20 minutes Exercise 18.4Troubleshooting Logon ProblemsOverview Sarah calls the help desk because she has an intermittent problem logging on to her computer using the local Student user account and the password Pa$$w0rd. Some mornings, she logs on without a problem. On other days, she cannot log on at first, but after waiting a few minutes, her logon is successful. This morning, it took three attempts over the course of 30 minutes before she was able to log on, and she is becoming extremely frustrated. The troubleshooting process will be completed when Sarah is able to log on to her computer consistently with no delays.Completion time20 minutes